ThenMedia Logo Link
Inspire, engage,

Our web-developers, photographers and filmography team have a wealth of experience working within schools and educational trusts.

ThenMedia's tailored approach offers schools and education trusts the perfect scalable digital portfolio encompassing expert website design, professional photography and inspiring filmography. Whether you're a small primary school or a large academy trust, you can be confident that you’re in safe hands.

Product Highlights

Pages & Articles

Content added by teachers is automatically styled up to match your school's branding. Editing is as simple as using Facebook.

Photography & Filmography

Our in-house media team creates stunning photography, inspiring films and incredible drone footage. Make your website stand out from the crowd.


Our digital marketing tool Loudhailer allows news from your school to be automatically shared with multiple social networks using one simple tool.

Quick & Robust

Our infrastructure runs on a bespoke rock-solid UNIX framework. We backup your content daily and our servers are protected by multi-country redundancy.

Secure & Compliant

All our websites are secured with 256 bit SSL encryption. Everything is fully WCAG 2.1 AA compliant and security updates are provided free for ever.

Training & Support

Speak directly to our team and get support quickly. No call centres, no hidden costs, no nonsense. Subject to our fair usage policy.

In February 2025, we're offering FREE website builds to all schools, meaning there's no upfront cost for a new website, just the monthly hosting & support fee of £45.00+VAT.

Get in Touch

"...ThenMedia provide an excellent ongoing service for KMF Group. Their reliable software and expertise helps us manage vibrant digital signage throughout our business..."

Jenny Johnston – KMF Group

"...ThenMedia created a bespoke online system for Triumph Motorbikes which was robust and reliable. Their software tools are impressive and easy to use..."

Trevor Barton – Triumph Motorcycles

"...Sharp design, functional excellence, responsive service, exemplary support – met my brief exactly. CMS and iPhone App, easy to use..."

Dave Madden – TheConsultant EU

Contact Us
01244 478727

Charter Court
2 Well House Barns
Chester Road

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© 2011-2025 – ThenMedia Limited